Sunday, 4 November 2012

Preparation of panchakavya

Panchakavya, an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Panchakavya consists of nine products viz. cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, Tender coconut and water. When suitably mixed and used, these have miraculous effects.

20 litres of Panchakavya contains
 5 kg of fresh cow dung
 4 litres of cow urine
 3 litres of cow's milk
 2 litres of cow's curd
 1/2 kg cow's ghee

In scientific terms, Panchakavya contains

 growth regulatory substances such as IAA, GA and cytokinin
 essential plant nutrients
 naturally occurring, beneficial, effective micro organisms, predominately lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, photosynthetic bacteria and certain fungi
 beneficial and proven biofertilizers such as Acetobacter, Asospirillum and Phosphobacterium
 plant protection substances

Preparation of Panchakavya

 Take 5 kg of fresh cow dung, 4 litres of cow urine, 3 litres of cow's milk, 2 litres of cow's curd and half kg cow's ghee.
 Stir the solution and keep it in a 20-liter container.
 Add honey, jaggery and ripen banana and stir it daily for 21 days.

Field Application of Panchakavya
 On the 21st day, mix 1 litre of the Panchakavya solution to 10 litres of water, strain and then apply the solution in the soil.
 The Panchakavya is sprayed on crops to get the best results.
 Seeds can be soaked and seedlings can be dipped in 3 per cent solution of Panchakavya for about 30 minutes before sowing to get good results from the crops.

 Panchakavya acts as a growth-promoter and immunity booster.
 Safeguards plants and soil micro-organisms.Increases Crops, vegetable and fruit production

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